More to entertain you with this issue
JOHN KERR, RIP - Very sad to hear of the death of the gentleman that was Crendon Replicas founder, John Kerr. Here's our tribute.
TURISMO EVOLUTION GT - Gary Goodyear's beautiful and very eyecatching Porsche Boxster-based Evolution GT. A beautiful build.
RAPTOR SPORTSCARS PROFILE - A break in Scotland punctuated by a visit to the country's only kitcar builder.
INDUSTRY GREATS - JANSPEED - We had been working on this Industry Great feature on Janspeed for some time when the sad news of Jan Odor's death came. It became an obituary as well as a tribute to a great man.
NEWARK KIT CAR FESTIVAL REPORT - Just as the heading says. A review of the second kitcar show of the year.
ASBO 4 - Spotted at Malvern in June the ASBO 4 is the creation of Caerphilly engineer, Robin Davies and is fab.
COWPER CONQUERS PIKES PEAK - He went, he saw, he conquered. Only the fifth 'rookie' to break the ten-minute barrier. Here's the story of Duncan Cowper's assault on Pikes Peak. Fantastic effort.
BURTON POWER 60TH ANNIVERSARY - Ford parts gurus, BURTON POWER hit '60' in 2023. Here's the story of an iconic company.
NORTHERN LIGHT MOTORS - An innovative three-wheeler from a man with form! Graham Browne, ex-TVR and Jaguar designer has come up with the brilliant Northern Light three-wheeler.
BVAC CLASSIC SHOW REPORT - A visit to one of Scotland's best classic car shows at Thirtlestane Castle in Lauder. A superb event.
INTRODUCING ... RIMBLADES CAR CARE RANGE- News of a new range of car care products from alloy wheel protection kings, Rimblades.
GRADIENT ENGINEERING - Latest arrival on the throttle bodies scene is Leicester-based Gradient Engineering, run by Paul Griffin. We recently paid them a visit.